Saturday, March 9, 2013

Can't Nobody....Do Me Like....Jesus!!!!

Today, I have chosen to take some time to discuss my testimony and give you some insight on why I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for what God has done in my life. I was raised in a God fearing home. I saw my parents struggle financially at times. I was raised in church and I gave my life to the Lord at an early age. I began dealing with migraines and severe pain at about age 10. I would take some medicine and I would drudge through my days. I loved God but I don't think I really trusted Him with my pain; which looking back now was completely ridiculous because he created me, he formed me: every molecule, every cell, every organ. I asked for prayer continuously but it took me until recently to realize why I wasn't receiving my healing. Recently, I have been healed from Migraines. I praise God because it only comes from Him. He has given me the wisdom to research and learn how to heal my body using His methods of eating natural foods that aren't laden with chemicals and stripped of natural nutrients.

As a teenager, I was ministering with a praise and drama team. Boy, could I act the part--my mind was in it because I wanted to show others that I loved Christ but my heart wasn't in it. But one day at a summer youth camp God got all over me. I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and I was on the mountain with Jesus. Nothing was going to steal my joy. However, starting school again that Fall I got in the valley again. Almost every night I would cry myself to sleep. Something just wasn't right. I dealt with severe anxiety and depression. I actually thought about committing suicide a few times. Every time I would have second thoughts. It was as if God himself would whisper in my ear, "I have you here for a purpose. You are not finished yet." I was in a few car accidents that could have taken me out, but God said again "I'm not finished with you." During this time, I desperately was seeking Him. I needed to feel that joy and exhilaration again.

I graduated high school with honors and began college in August 2007. I began dating and I would go to church and bible study with friends. I began to discover that just because I didn't choose to attend a Christian college didn't mean that Christ wasn't there. I got over the depression, well for the most part, and began focusing on Him and school. I began to realize that it was all about Christ and not about me. I began meeting new friends. During college I met my husband and we began going to church together. I have been blessed with the ability to sing. I don't show it off much. I appreciate it but I don't like to brag or give myself any glory. I know, however, God has blessed me with this talent to praise and glorify Him. The church we were attending was alright but we didn't feel we were growing. They would ask me to sing almost every time I walked in the door and if I said "not today" they would all look disappointed. I hate disappointing people. I have however come to learn that I am not here to impress others. I'm here to live for Christ. I have decided to stop trying to be politically correct and I have decided to speak truth even when it may hurt. We eventually moved to a different church that we were both happy in and Christ was blessing us. We got too busy to attend every week with our jobs that God had blessed us with. I was working 40 hours a week, going to school full time and we began struggling to make ends meet. Bills began piling up even with both of us working and gas and grocery prices were still on the rise. I was again battling some depression. I failed some classes and thought school was basically over for me. DH and I talked it though and he calmed me down. I was able to go a new route completely and only take about 8 more classes. I left my job and began a new job and finished college. I graduated in December 2012 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology. I praise God every day for allowing me to come this far. I have now learned about research and thinking and health concepts. I strive to use it to better me and my family as of right now but I hope to soon impact others with my talents. While attending our most recent full time church we learned about confessing truth and promises over our lives. Our Bishop taught that God's promises are for the taking not just for sitting there. They are to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. I have begun to really start confessing promises and truth over my life. I daily am striving to Speak Life and I can see changes taking place. I choose not to dwell on my past and look towards the future that God has for me. Obviously, He is not through with me yet or I wouldn't wake up each day. I'm grateful for the life God has given me and I hope that I honor him in all I do. For the bible says, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17)

Within the last few weeks, a few people who are really close to me have let me down. They may not realize what they've done but I took a minute to be disappointed but then remembered they are only human as well. I chose to rejoice and praise God even though I was mad. I had a talk with God and He reminded me that I will have trials and tribulations in this life and they only make me better and when dealing with others they will let me down but he will never fail me. And then I was reminded of a song. So if you don't mind I will share it with you today.

1 comment:

  1. That story about the little girl gives me chills every time.


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