Sunday, August 11, 2013

Final Decision: A Miracle in the Making

 Yesterday, I received a letter in the mail notifying me that I have been selected for a job interview. This job would increase my income by 4 times monthly; get me to a point where we don't have to struggle to pay bills; provide benefits; and allow me to spend adequate time with my husband and church family. I was so excited that I burst into tears. I have been praying for a while now that God would give me a career that would do those things. I just had to praise God. I realized that when God gives me this position He will be putting me in a place of FREEDOM. He is giving me a Blessing so that I may be a Blessing to others. I have learned things during our time of financial struggle that could greatly benefit those that I would be working with. Please be in agreement through prayer for me as I prepare for this interview.

UPDATE: I had my interview. I am waiting on a decision. Keep Praying!

UPDATE: Unfortunately, I was not selected for this position.

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